Thursday, March 13, 2008

baal dhamaal

guys, i need to complain. please dont laugh. this is an issue which, though mild to start with, has now blown to such proportions that it's very close to my heart. i have almost no sense of humor left about this grave issue. it's an issue which i wouldnt wish on my worst enemy (i.e the one who used to steal my tiffin....u reading this, u bugger?)

i don't how know many of you have had the unparalleled privilege of meeting, or at least seeing me. basically, one of the first things one notices upon viewing my radiant masculine beauty, is that i look much younger than i am. want to know y that is? it's coz i dont have hair. i dont mean on my head (i have enough there, though it's receding faster than symonds' human traits). i mean on my face. and this is the crucial part. the rest of it doenst matter. its what you get at face value.

i don't how know many of you have had the unparalleled privilege of meeting me (i copy-pasted this line from above, please pay attention). many of my close acquaintances know that i'm paranoid about aging. at the ripe age of 23. so when people used to say you look like you're in school/college, i used to be tremendously pleased. who doesnt want to fight age? its only now, in the last few months, that i'm seeing the terrible disadvantages. listed below are some, in ascending order of importance:

1. it's hard to be taken seriously at work. any client i go to meet, will usually ask me what my qualifications are, or will tell me he's been in the markets since before i was born. similarly, within office my nicknames vary from 'little boy' to 'bachcha' to 'baby-face', etc. accusations fly about my company indulging in child labor.
2. outings. luckily movie theatres have stopped checking me (maybe i atleast look older than 18), but certain places where i have had the opportunity to drink, i have had to prove my age. this by the way, includes an international flight where i asked for a beer. that was embarassing. but this is still ok, compared to.....
3. girls!!!! as i said in the previous blog, there are a couple in the gym that i have mad crushes on. not to mention some in office that are in my crosshairs. but the second any of these people see me, they turn away and start talking to guys who look their age (and in the case of gym girls, these guys also look like a puny guy's worst nightmare). in fact, frequently i get the feeling the gym girls are thinking 'what is this kid doing in a gym in the middle of a corporate park?' i'm not to be blamed therefore for my lack of success with girls. its a conspiracy against me from above!!!! it's also His fault i listen to freaky music which has the same effect on girls as all-out does on mosquitoes or diet does on inzy.

so people, if you have any tips on how to grow facial hair without the use of fertilizers or transplanting hair from unsocial body parts, please leave necessary comments. for now, i will go and listen to 'sonata of pain' by 'brain soup'. this one's for you, ladies

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

how bout sporting an artificial beard??!!